The Museum holds focused collections including American 19th- and 20th-century paintings, prints, and sculpture, such as works of New York and Philadelphia School artists John Sloane, Henri Luks, and Joseph Pennell; plus a group of Op and Pop Art compositions.
Additional collections are a works on paper, numbering more than 1,500 pieces, featuring Durer, Rembrandt, and Cezanne; large holdings of the paintings and prints of Francoise Gilot; a collection of Pennsylvania German art and artifacts; and Japanese woodcuts, scrolls, and artifacts.
Contemporary sculpture is well represented, with a large selection of maquettes, including the largest private collection of maquettes and large-scale sculpture by Lynn Chadwick, dating from 1957-1987. Additionally, more than eighty 20th-century sculptures are installed on the grounds of the College.
Immersive environments draw on art-history and pop-culture resources