Prophet Isaiah Robertson’s Second Coming House

1308 Ontario Ave, Niagara Falls, NY 14305


Museum Website

A striking art environment created by Prophet Isaiah Robertson (1947–2020), a self-taught artist who transformed his home into an immersive religious artwork. Robertson's home was a colorful and eye-catching sight, and it attracted visitors from all over the world. He welcomed visitors to his site, and he often gave spiritual guidance to those who came to him.

Isaiah Robertson, a carpenter from Jamaica, moved to Niagara Falls, New York, in 2004. He started renovating and reselling houses, but he soon had a change of heart. He believed that God had given him a special mission: to decorate his home and its surrounding area with biblical symbols and images.

Robertson worked without plans, and he said that "the Spirit" simply took over and animated his hands. He covered his home with intricate wooden cutouts, as well as signs, numbers, and symbols from his second prophecy. The property featured a dramatic 25-foot painted cross and intricate religious imagery crafted from wood, paint, and beadwork both inside and outside the property. He visited a nearby island daily, believing that it was there that the Rapture would occur.

Robertson died in 2020, but his home still stands as a testament to his faith and his creativity. It is a reminder that even though he is gone, his message lives on.

As the only artist-built environment of its kind in Western New York, the site showcases Robertson's divinely-inspired creativity through painstakingly preserved and recreated elements, including his signature "perfectly imperfect" painting style and symbolic religious artworks. Visitors can experience this unique cultural landmark through guided tours that explore themes of immigration, religious expression, and artistic vision, while learning about Robertson's remarkable journey from Jamaican carpenter to visionary artist.

The Second Coming House is now a preservation project of the Kohler Foundation.

Credit: Overview from museum website