Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art re-opening May 25. 2025, renamed and reimagined.
SInce 1991, Intuit has been dedicated to presenting intuitive and outsider art — with world class exhibitions; resources for scholars and students. Through its programs, Intuit bolsters the nationally prominent role that Chicago artists and collectors have played in generating interest in outsider art.
The Permanent Collection holds nearly 1,100 works of art in diverse media, from drawings and prints, paintings and photography to sculpture. The organization has works by artists such as Miles Carpenter, William Dawson, Minnie Evans, Howard Finster, Lee Godie, Johann Hauser, William Hawkins, Dwight Mackintosh, Justin McCarthy, Mr. Imagination Michel Nejar David Philpot, Oswald Tschirtner, P.M. Wentworth, Willie White, Wesley Willis, Joseph Yoakum, and Purvis Young.
Comprised of 12,000 square feet, the facility includes two galleries, a performance/ meeting space, the Robert A. Roth Study Center -- a non-circulating collection with a primary focus in the fields of outsider and contemporary self-taught art, the Henry Darger Room Collection, and a small gift shop.
Credit: Overview from museum website
75+ works spotlight 22 artists in a range of media