Griffin Museum of Photography

67 Shore Road, Winchester, MA 01890


Museum Website

The Griffin Museum houses three galleries, and 4 satellite galleries dedicated solely to the exhibition of photographic arts.

The Main Gallery - The largest of our three galleries, the Main Gallery is a showcase for rotating exhibitions from some of the world’s leading photographers. Diverse photographic genres are presented, ranging from photojournalism to contemporary art, and historical to social commentary.

The Griffin Museum seeks work by new photographers with an eye toward capturing the next great artist. The Atelier and the Griffin Gallery are reserved specifically for showcasing these artists, providing a rare opportunity to view their work before they become widely known.

The Museum has four satellite exhibition galleries located in surrounding towns: in Stoneham, at the Stoneham Theatre; in Belmont at Digital Silver Imaging; Lafayette City Center in Boston Downtown Crossing; and at 530 Harrison in the South End.

Exhibitions & Dates