Miami, FL
Attempting to provide counter narratives that shed light on the dynamics of contemporary forms of social oppression, Carlos Motta (b. 1978, Bogota, Colombia; lives in New York) is a multidisciplinary artist that explores the discourses of sexuality, gender, identity, and minority culture in his works to challenge dominant histories. At times working as an activist and educator, Motta also engages forms of social education in his works, producing symposia with thinkers, activists, and other artists interested in a particular topic.
In recent works, Motta has been investigating sexuality and eroticism in European and Indigenous cultures during the conquest and colonization of Latin America. These works present the nuances of homosexuality and gender in ethnic groups prior to the arrival of the Europeans, and how these local practices and roles changed after the establishment of Western doctrines. Motta’s works reconsider the conquest of the New World offering a new cartography that takes into account alternative histories.
Credit: Exhibition overview from museum website
Miami, FL